The credit rating of FLEET LLC (hereinafter, FLEET or the Holding) is based on the adequate assessments of the business profile, risk profile and capital adequacy amid satisfactory assessments of funding and liquidity.
FLEET is a holding company that was founded in 2023. The Holding’s key assets include three companies (Fleet Finance LLC, Fleet Autoleasing LLC, and Bilantlia Corp.), which provide financial and operational leasing services, short-term leases, and also specialize in the leasing of passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, trucks, and equipment for agriculture, freight transportation, logging and road construction. The Holding’s Companies were acquired by Insight Investment Group from their previous owners and transferred to FLEET. The ultimate beneficiaries of FLEET is a group of individuals.
Adequate business profile assessment. The competitive position of FLEET takes into account the size of capital (size of equity as of January 1, 2024 amounted to around RUB 8 bln) and has a neutral impact on the assessment of this factor. At the same time, individual lines of business of the Group occupy leading positions in the Russian leasing market. The Holding’s Companies resumed active operations in March 2023, which was expressed in significant growth of volumes of new business in 2023 and 2024 (over H1 2024, the volume of new business of FLEET amounted to RUB 9.3 bln, which exceeded the indicator for all of 2023). The volume of the lease portfolio (RUB 15.7 bln as of January 1, 2024) also demonstrates better-than-expected growth, and, according to the Holding’s projections, may grow by approximately threefold over the next two years.
FLEET employs a single strategy encompassing all subsidiaries that involves developing and scaling up business in traditional areas, optimizing group operational processes, and centralizing funding and liquidity management.